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Purpose, Beliefs, and Dress Standards

Our purpose:

The Central Washington Holiness Association was established to spread Scriptural Holiness through camp meetings, conventions, missions, publishing interests, and such other means as would secure the conversion of sinners, the entire sanctification of believers, and the edifying of the body of Christ.

Our beliefs:

We believe in salvation of the human soul through repentance of one's sins and believing in the atoning death of Christ as punishment in our stead. We also believe in a second work of God; whereby, through full consecration of the believer the heart is cleansed from all sin and the believer is filled with the Holy Spirit.

We believe the sanctified believer can live above habitual sin, and can live a victorious life through obedience to God's will.

Camp membership information and bylaws:

In regards to dress while at camp:

CWHA is an interdenominational family camp. Clothing needs to be modest and conservative so as not to offend.




© 2008-2013 Entiat Valley Family Camp / Central Washington Holiness Association